5.27.2022 (Friday)

My best friend from the year I spent living in Germany in high school is visiting me. She and I haven't seen one another since the summer after my first year in college (the summer after she graduated high school). Right now, she's in the shower in my little one bedroom apartment and I'm sitting at the kitchen table, working from home. Well, taking a little break from working. I woke up early to work through an issue my computer was having only to find it had miraculously solved itself during the night. I suppose I didn't actually wake up early to do that. I wake up at roughly the same time every day, regardless of whether or not I have work, often before my alarm clock. Today was a before the alarm clock day. 

I've been reading more recently. I've finished two books this week, making three this month, which in all honesty is more than I read for pleasure any given semester in college. I'm no longer on social media. Well, I'm no longer on social media on my cellphone. I found I was spending far too much time on twitter and on instagram and so I've deleted them from my phone altogether. I still use them from my laptop, but I feel far more in control over my social media usage when I'm doing it from my laptop. Something about keeping browsing the internet to a computer just feels right. I've not entirely quit instagram in the same way I've quit twitter, as I still download it to my cellphone when I want to look somebody up or post something to my story. But it feels better than being glued to it all the time. 

This past month or so, I've been irresponsible with my spending. I've entirely thrown the concepts of budgeting and moderation out the window, and so I will be trying this coming month to be more responsible. Nobody ever looked at the word 'responsible' and thought it seemed fun, but a little more responsibility is precisely what I need right now. 

My kitchen sink doesn't drain properly, and hasn't for a few months. It takes forever and I keep my toilet plunger in the kitchen, hoping that one of these times I'll magically loosen whatever the blockage is and it'll drain smoothly again. I know I should just call my property manager and ask him to send a plumber to fix it, but for whatever reason I just can't bring myself to. I have other, more pressing things to take care of. 

I've become a part of a group of friends here who, in my opinion, have just the right balance of mellowness to party party energy. It's been a bit difficult to find people who strike the right balance and I often find myself categorizing my friendships as daytime vs nighttime friendships or going out vs staying in friendships or one-on-one vs group friendships, but I think I've found a nice niche with these people. Most of them live a ten minute walk from me in a house nicknamed pink house. The others live in my building and in a building five minutes away by foot on my street. It's on the way on my walk to work. We go to the park together and have dinner parties and have party parties and go to shows and go to the ballet and play with nunchucks and craft and cook and go to events around town. People say you don't know you're in the good old days until they're over, but I can assure you that I'm well aware that I'm in them right now. 

Here's me, dressed as a clown, at one such party party (I made the ruffle collar myself). 

After a week of being all by my lonesome, I am being social again!

I've been going, going, going recently! I was exhausted all week and finally felt like I'd caught up on sleep by Friday. I didn'...