1.20.2022 (Thursday)

I've just realized that I mistakenly wrote the date for my first post of 2022 as being on January 1st, 2021. I thought about correcting my mistake, but it's funny. 

Yesterday and today I've been cooking myself proper meals. I don't remember what I had on Tuesday, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that this is the first time since my breakup eight months ago that I've cooked myself multiple proper meals, multiple days in a row. I get that it's not a huge win in the grand scheme of things, but it is a win for me, especially because I've actually wanted to cook these meals for myself rather than feeling as though I'm forcing myself to do it. That might be the biggest win of all. 
I've also been doing things just because. I've drawn (a little bit), I've read (a little bit), I've done chores (a little bit), and I've chatted with friends a whole lot. I got a haircut the other day and, though it's now shorter than I would've liked, it's probably quite a bit healthier than it was before. The hairdresser was really nice and has some of the same hobbies and interests as me, so we exchanged instagram usernames and I think I might invite her to hang out sometime soon. We both like social dancing and fantasy novels and are (relatively) new to the city. Chatting with her reminded me of the resolution I made to meet one new person every week. Seeing as I was stuck in Utah with COVID for the first bit of the new year, I think it's safe to say that resolution was put on hold until now. And I've met two new people since I got back here! The hairdresser and a friend of Jon's, who is absolutely lovely and gave me a leather jacket (yes, gave !! it fits like a glove). 

I'm a bit lonely at the moment. I think this is because Jack is in quarantine (for who knows how much longer, it's all a bit ambiguous at the moment) and because I've just come back from being with my family for a month. And because I'm reading A Man Called Ove. It's a lovely book and I feel for him. 
I don't have much else to say, not all that much is happening in my life right now. 

Until next time! 

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