Temperatures are rising and I am out of doors

Please never apologize for rambling. That's what I'm here for and I've most definitely rambled at you more than you've rambled at me. I think you absolutely should plant some bleeding hearts. And I think you'll be very successful with your gardening endeavors, it feels like a year for that somehow. Something in the air, I'm not sure. 

I went for a bike ride today! I had originally been considering biking to this little town that's almost 90km away from here and spending the night out there and going for a hike tomorrow before coming back on the train, but my weekend has somehow filled up quite a bit and so staying overnight isn't happening. For the better, probably. I haven't taken this new craigslist bike out for any longer rides yet and don't have any tools for fixing it if something does go wrong. Luckily, I'm in Germany and not the US so I would be able to just take the train if need be. But still. 

The new plan was to bike to a closer town and then take the train back from there and then talk with one of my best friends on the phone about their plans to come visit this summer. That would've been a 50km ride instead of 90km. Of course, I kept stopping to eat the chocolate I'd brought along and to take photos of flowers and of houses the camels at the circus I stumbled upon and at one point I stopped and ordered myself a piece of cake at a bakery and sat around and ate that. Because of all the stopping, it eventually started to rain on me and I realized it was getting to be time for me to head back so I could talk to my friend so I stopped early, probably after about 35 or 40km. Conveniently, this was right by the last stop of the S-Bahn line, which runs every 20 minutes so it was super easy to get back. I think another weekend I'd like to do my plan to bike to the other town, but I may start by taking the S-Bahn to the end of the line because a lot of my ride was just city/suburban riding and it seemed like it was going to start feeling more rural if I'd continued and, well, that's sort of my goal in getting out of the city. To feel like I'm really out of the city. But it was fun to ride out of Berlin today and experience that part of it for myself! 

The camel.

Tomorrow it's supposed to get up into the low 70s so I'm going swimming with two friends (the meek guy from the maybe-date and the best friend of a twitter mutual of mine) and then on to a "community networking night" at this events/sustainability space I volunteered at last weekend, which is basically a big dinner party with vegan food and a guided meditation after. I haven't attended one before, but they're once a month so I think if I like it I'll try to make out again soon. Last weekend when I went it was to help build this vertical garden/green wall thing in the front area of the space. 

Not the world's best photo, but this is the front area of the space. You can see two of the five panels of the green wall. These will be mounted to the white wall above them and have wool pouches with the plants attached to them. Very excited to keep working on it and see how it works out in the end! 

What else is there to share? Not all too much. I'm relaxing for the rest of the day. Might watch a movie. Might not. 

For Ciera: Music!

Not that I really need to give a disclaimer, but I will say I've been very especially into folk and country as of late. It isn't a new thing, as you know, but it has been almost exclusively what I've been listening to. 

March 22nd, 2024. A great day for music. Four albums by four women. I haven't even had the time to listen to them all yet. 

Trail of Flowers by Sierra Ferrell, of course.  I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this album for a number of reasons, one of which is that she played Why Haven't You Loved Me Yet at her show last spring in Vancouver and it's been stuck in my head ever since (and she didn't even release it as a single!!). I think if I'd looked for it, I probably could've found it on youtube but for whatever reason, I didn't. 

Tigers Blood by Waxahatchee. I've only started listening to her recently, but I've become obsessed. I can't stop. Her older stuff is so good, too!!

Bright Future by Adrianne Lenker, of Big Thief. I don't know if you listen to her or not but even if you think you haven't heard her before, you have. I really love this cover of her song Anything. 

Bite Down by Rosali. I'm only listening to this one for the first time right now as I write this, but I'm blown away. A voice like a warm hug. 

Stupid Horse but this time it's on the banjo. If you don't know the song yet, click the first link first to get an idea of what it sounds like.

I know I already sent you an Emily Nenni song earlier, but I really think you'd like her and I hope you give her a listen. Her song Never One to Stay was my introduction to her. 

There are too many incredible artists!!!

Lael Neale is somebody I started getting into right around the time I visited you last February and I'm not sure I ever actually showed you her music? I might have been too fixated on making you listen to Skrillex (which I stand by, btw). Particular standout songs for me are I Am The River and Every Star Shivers in the Dark

At the tail end of last year and the beginning of this year when I was infatuated by a guy I'm friends with, I got really into the song We Can't Be Friends by Lorene Scafaria, for pretty obvious reason. 

Erin Rae is impossible to choose favorites from. I wish I could listen to her music for the first time over again. I think that Love Like Before may be a perfect song. I used to occasionally send Can't See Stars to a guy I slept with two summers ago and now I think of him every time I listen to it. I think he was infatuated by me. 

I can't imagine you haven't heard Alice Phoebe Lou before, but I'm including people here not because I think you haven't heard them but because I want to emphasize my love for them. Her live versions of her songs take the cake for me, though I listen to her endlessly on spotify as well. My favorites are this version of Something Holy and this version of Only When I. I used to lie down on the floor in my apartment in Seattle and listen to her on repeat for hours, just letting the music wash over me. 

Same goes for Johnny Flynn. Such a unique voice, so much better in live versions. I don't think I've found a single video of him on youtube that I didn't think was lovely. Here's him singing The Water and Amazon Love

I sent messages in our group chat a little while ago about Labi Siffre, but I do feel like I want to underscore that one. He's incredible. Another song I listened to a lot during my infatuation was Bless the Telephone

There's absolutely no way you haven't heard of  the The California Honeydrops before because I know I've made you listen to them. I am eternally obsessed and have probably seen them live more times than any other band. I've also hung out with them and danced a very very very long salsa with Lech, the lead singer. It's hard to know when to finish dancing when people are just jamming rather than playing songs. When It Was Wrong was the first song of theirs I ever became obsessed with. Were they at Salmonfest the year you were there?

A very recent discovery of mine is Laurie Anderson! O Superman! There's no way she isn't friends with David Byrne. Speaking of, if you haven't listened to much Talking Heads before, there is no time to start like the present. I've loved them all my life because my mom is a big fan and, well, she has probably influenced my taste in music more than anybody else. 

I've also been really into watching videos of Frank Zappa's live performances recently. Here is a brief example. My introduction to him was at this guy's house after we'd been swing dancing. We put on Frank Zappa and I made him watch Jan Svankmajer films, silently, to accompany the music. 

I will make another post if/when I come up with more to share. There's so much music out there and I want to listen to it all. 

For Zach: cathedrals everywhere, for my eyes to see

A gondola. I didn't know we had one in Berlin until I saw it.

Stylish footwear in a painting. 

A photo I took by accident when putting my phone into my pocket, I think. 

A worm on a walk. I was on a walk. The worm was moving in the usual way worms do, without legs. 

A building with a blue sky painted onto it, against a gray sky. A funny contrast. 

I hear her voice in the morning hour, she calls me

The radio reminds me of my home far away...

Take Me Home, Country Roads has been following me for two weeks. Three weeks? Something like that. It's kind of a perfect song. And there are so many beautiful versions of it. 

I've got three road trip playlists, all made by my mother. She's got excellent taste in music and I trust her pretty much blindly and when I was going on a road trip with my ex boyfriend ages ago, I asked her for a road trip playlist. I'm not entirely sure she understood, at that point, that you could just keep adding to a playlist you'd already begun in Spotify and so, when I told her we'd listened all the way through the playlist, another came our way. And then another. There's some John Denver on those. 

There's a specific version of Take Me Home, Country Roads that I distinctly remember hearing but haven't been able to find again. I don't remember whose version it was. 

Here's a nice banjo cover. 

Anyway, the song's been making me a bit nostalgic for the US and the wide open road. There's just something about driving for hours on end through an unchanging landscape. The longest day of driving I've ever had was thirteen hours from Durango to Oklahoma City. There was a snowstorm through most of my way through New Mexico and it added a couple hours onto the driving time. That's also the only time I've ever been in Texas and, wow, what an unchanging landscape. 

I love traveling by train here but there really is something to be said for driving. Sorry, Mother Earth. 

The difference a few hours can make.

The photos from the previous post were all with flash and with the light of the lamps in my room, taken last night. This one is with daylight, taken this morning. The ink has settled in and looks so vastly different on the two different paper options when you put them next to one another like this. 

Clairefontaine Triomphe on top, Original Crown Mill Pure Cotton on bottom. 

Feathering Dilemma.

Liza, if you don't want to read the previous post, you don't have to. It has all sorts of background information I had to get out of my system before I could get to the important bit in here. The Dilemma. 


Okay. Charlotte, ten minutes later here. I think I was being a little bit overly dramatic. I've been frustrated since Saturday because my stamp ink was feathering. I've just stamped a few pages and it's not nearly so bad as I'd made it out to be in my head. But, I am a woman of my word and I said in the last post, which took so long to write (not actually, but still), that I would write this one. And so here we are and I am going to follow through. 

The ink is feathering. Not necessarily feathering, per say, but settling into the paper in a way I don't quite like. The paper is not meant for that ink and the ink is not meant for that paper.

Clairefontaine Triomphe (without flash, with flash)

Original Crown Mill (without flash, with flash)

In person I can still see the issue I was dealing with before. It's not so much that it's feathering as it's seeping into the paper in a way that makes it look like marker, which is very distinctly not a thing I want. I think I'm going to go tomorrow or maybe next week to the stamp store near my office to ask the guy for advice. Maybe I even need to try out an ink meant for fabrics with the cotton paper. I'll keep you in the loop. 

The seeping marker issue is more visible somehow with colored ink. Here it is on the Original Crown Mill paper. 

All of the background info leading up to my current dilemma with paper. Or maybe ink.

It's very hard to know. After all, the two go hand in hand and if I were to change one, the other might become an issue. For a little while now, I've been carving stamps to liven up boring stationery to write letters to friends with. (Side note: if you'd like to send me your address, please do go ahead. I would love to write to you.) I fell off a bit when the whole "moving to another country" thing happened. Actually, let me not lie here, I fell off a bit before that. Regardless, my point still stands, as the only point I'm trying to make here is that it is a thing that I do. Why is it so much more difficult to write the first paragraph of a blog post about paper than it is to write those silly stream of consciousness ones? I digress.

I don't know if you're into fountain pens or paper or whatnot, so I'll assume you're not and just give you the background information. And the background to my specific situation. Fountain pen ink is very different from the ink in, say, a ballpoint pen. Rather than sitting on top of the paper, it seeps much deeper into the paper. In Germany, it is very common for people to use fountain pens, as they're required in school, so a lot of notebooks and paper options you can buy here are much more fountain pen friendly than they are in the US. In the US, you really have to be particular about what it is you're buying if you're going to be writing with a fountain pen, and you can find some random notebooks/writing pads/etc. that are great for it and others that you think would be good that really just aren't. I don't particularly like to write in Moleskine notebooks with fountain pens, but I've had random legal pads before that work well. Do I still write in Moleskine notebooks with a fountain pen from time to time? Of course. 

I ran out of the stationery my mom had gotten me for Christmas years ago probably around this time last year. Maybe a few months later. That was the catalyst for all of this. I had a very specific image in my head of what sort of stationery I wanted to buy, if I was going to spend money on it, and I just couldn't find anything that was up to par and in my price range. I found everything worthwhile to be too expensive and everything within my price range to be ugly. Also, I wanted very specific things like stationery with bleeding hearts (they're my favorite flower) and snails and the like. Not necessarily impossible to find, but just difficult enough to put me off. And what if I found beautiful, affordable stationery and then the paper was poor quality and didn't do well with fountain pen ink? As silly as it is, this was a multi-day dilemma. It haunted me. I went down a number of Etsy rabbit holes and accidentally almost paid $10 for a couple sheets of Soviet era stationery at one point. I would highly recommend searching the word "ephemera" on Etsy. 

Anyway. I had decided that, if nobody else was going to do it for me, I would simply have to make my own stationery to my liking. I'd learned in an art class once in middle or high school about lino printing and had just done it for the first time since with only my vague memory of how to do it to guide me. That was totally enough because, as I'm sure you know, it is extremely self explanatory. The important thing to note here is that I decided I was too lazy to use actual ink and a roller so I've just been using ink pads for stamps this whole entire time. 

Paper! Finally! The thing I said this was all about. By this point, I was in Utah with my older sibling, who is extremely into pens and paper and calligraphy. I am more interested in it than the average person, sure, but I defer to them on any and all related questions. I tried out the paper they have, didn't like it, and ordered some other ones for myself.

They had two A5 tablets (no, I'm not being a weirdo calling them tablets, that is what they're called) and I'm fairly certain one was the G. Lalo Verge de France and the other was the Original Crown Mill Classic Laid. I'm 100% sure of the brands but not sure if they were exactly those or some other similar products, I'm basing them off of what's currently available on the Goulet Pens website because that's where they buy most of their writing stuff from. What I found was that both of those had a bit too much tooth for my liking. I prefer a smooooooth writing experience. Based on that, we went onto the Goulet website and compared and just chose what seemed, based on the reviews, to match what I wanted. I ended up with a tablet of the Clairefontaine Triomphe and the Original Crown Mill Pure Cotton, also both A5 tablets. I bought the matching Clairefontaine envelopes but not the Original Crown Mill (it felt silly to buy cotton envelopes and my sibling had some regular ones from the brand that I took). 

Paper 1: Clairefontaine Triomphe
This one is a regular pulp paper (I'm not sure that that's what it's actually called, but that's what I call it). If you've ever used a Rhodia (they're sister companies or owned by the same company or one is a subset of the other, I can't remember) notebook or pad, you've got an idea as to the texture. It's extremely smooth and sometimes you feel as though you can't think or write fast enough for how quickly your pen sails across the page. This paper is stark, stark white. 
The envelopes have a straight across flap and are peel and seal envelopes. 

Paper 2: Original Crown Mill Pure Cotton
When I say cotton, I mean cotton. I know, I know, I know. It seems ridiculous. This paper is seriously so nice though. It's extremely smooth and homogenous while still having the tiniest bit of tooth. It feels so crisp. I could go on and on and on. The paper is a bit of a warmer white. Ever so slightly off-white. Not in a way that I would say should make them brand it as off white, but still. It is embossed with the Original Crown Mill branding, which I ideally wouldn't have, but you can't win them all. The Clairefontaine Triomphe is not embossed. 
The envelopes (regular, not cotton) have an angled flap and are gummed. 

I only have one fountain pen with me in Germany and that's my LAMY Safari, which I'm using with the LAMY T53 Crystal Ink in a color I can't remember the name of. Isn't that embarrassing? Looking online, it seems that the closest match is azurite, but that has shimmer so I don't think that's it. Oh well. I'll leave a note here if I ever do figure it out. This ink I'm using is a true blue, which is different from what I'm used to. I used to religiously use the LAMY blue/black ink until I decided one day that I was over it and that I was now into true blue and true black. 

The ink pads I'm using at the moment for the stamps are the Ranger Archival Ink, which I got at the stamp shop near my job. I wonder if it's the only stamp shop in all of Berlin as it is the first stamp shop I've ever heard of existing. 

Today, I bought a bike

I'm always so excited when I go to your blog and see that you've written!! What a joy it is!! 

I definitely think you and I are thinking of slightly different meanings of the word meek. Having met you in real life, I can say that you are not meek in the way that man is meek. It was not anything to do with him being shy or quiet, in fact I've mostly dated people with those traits, but that he seemed to be trying to be the sort of person he thought I would be interested in, agreeing with me too much and not really sharing any substantial opinions of his own. I don't want somebody who is trying to conform to something to get me to like them. I want to enjoy the journey of getting to know somebody for who they are and discovering all the things that make them tick. 

Like the title says, I bought a bike today!! I have been meaning to do this for quite a while. My plan has been to buy one bike for around town for less than 150€ and then maybe buy a second, more expensive, one four touring this summer. Bikes get stolen a lot here so I really didn't want to risk it with a nicer one, even with a good lock. 

I have not read the passion by Jeanette Winterson but I will!!

What else is there to say? I'm not sure. I might make another post later today about paper. I've been having a lot of thoughts recently and also a bit of a dilemma. 

After a week of being all by my lonesome, I am being social again!

I've been going, going, going recently! I was exhausted all week and finally felt like I'd caught up on sleep by Friday. I didn'...