I! Am! Making! Friends!!!

I think I generally just prefer writing something somebody else will read over writing in a diary, which is a shame because I do think diaries are great (and I do keep one, kind of inconsistently). Not sure if it's just this week or if it'll continue, but there definitely is a chance this will become a nearly daily thing in the longer term. 

Yesterday was excellent!!! I met up with my friend (I feel like I can call her that at this point, I think this is the beginning of us spending more time together and I've really enjoyed all the time I've spent with her and can only assume it's mutual) and her guy she's "kind of seeing right now" at a building that belongs to her university because it's near where the protest was starting. Her other friend somehow ended up in a suburb of Berlin because the same street address exists there, so we waited quite a while for her and didn't get to the protest until quite late. Oops. It was weird, though, because my phone took me to the right place. Apparently a lot of places in Berlin exist twice, because this is the second time I've had this issue and I've only had like four social outings since moving here. 

So many of the people in my life have lived such bizarre and interesting lives that you constantly get whiplash hearing their stories and this girl is absolutely at the top of that list. Definitely top five, maybe top three. Absolutely top three if we're only counting people in our general age range. I really do want to tell you all the stories I heard yesterday but I just don't feel like they're mine to share publicly on the internet (even though I know, realistically, it's at maximum you and two other people reading this). 

None of us dressed for the weather, so in our protesting adventures we got absolutely soaked. We also got lost at one point trying to find the protest and then I, the person who has lived in Berlin the shortest time, guided us to it. Afterward, we ended up going to a bar and having some beers and smoking cigarettes (indoors! my coat smells of them now) (I didn't smoke any cigarettes inside but they did. I figure if I stick to one cigarette when I'm out with friends, unless I'm drunk, I wont get addicted and I'd already had my allotted one cigarette of the day) and chatting for a couple hours. Lots of laughter, lots of hypothetical plans made (backpacking trip in Bulgaria?), lots of stories told. Her boy and her friend are also people who have a lot of crazy stories. To give a little taste, the way she and her friend met involves an exorcism and the reason for Bulgaria being a destination of choice is because of a recent trip there by her and her boy that was because a friend of his had unfinished business with the Bulgarian mafia. 

I have some sort of growth on the back of my left shoulder. It's either a cyst or it's a giant zit and I've been kind of freaking out about it for the past couple of days. I told them about this and, wouldn't you know, her friend has a long history of with cysts and giant zits and other similar things! One time, she had to have a cyst surgically removed from her butt cheek that left a gaping hole she had to pack with gauze for a few weeks following the surgery. Inconvenient, but not necessarily a huge problem, except for the fact that she's a stripper and had to take time off from work because how are you going to work with a huge hole in your butt cheek? Regardless, she wrote down exactly what I should do and what medicine I needed and I went to a pharmacy and got the goods and did as told before bed last night. 

I need to buy a bicycle soon. 

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