11.8.2021 (Monday)

Today has been a good day. In the past few months, whenever I've gotten my period its been preceded by a few days of sublime sadness and dreams about my ex, but today I got my period and the only thing I've felt recently that's out of the ordinary is drawn to the idea of celibacy. I'll wait until a week after my period to make any decisions about that. 

This weekend was a good one. As I think I mentioned in yesterday's post, I've recently realized that I can do whatever I want to, whenever I want to. This weekend was an exercise in exactly that. On Friday, my next door neighbor and best friend here, Jon, came over for a quick dinner before we went our separate ways. I went out for a drink and then to a little concert with an old friend of mine who's in town and whom I hadn't seen in six years. It's one of those friendships where there might be a possibility for romance if you're in the right place at the right time, but we never are. In keeping with the theme, I decided partway through the night that I didn't particularly want to be there anymore, excused myself, and left. I wasn't feeling particularly well, but by the time I'd walked back to my apartment I felt completely fine and so I think that may have been my body giving me an excuse to go do what I wanted to do, which was to hang out by myself. 

On Saturday, I cleaned my apartment, sat on my sofa admiring my work for a few minutes, and decided I should start a sewing project. And so I did. My apartment is no longer neat, there's fabric and patterns and sewing implements strewn all over the floor, but it is clean so that's a step up from being both messy and dirty, which it was before. I had to buy a few things because I realized I didn't have all the materials to make what I was making, so I ended up at a cute little independent fabric store. They didn't have exactly what I was looking for, but I found something else that I like just as much as my original idea. It was frantic, but I was able to make a wearable, though not entirely finished, top for the concert I went to that night. Jon and I rushed to the concert and only realized once we got there that we were nearly an hour early because I had misread the door time as the start time. We got a couple drinks and sat in a booth until our other friends showed up. After the concert, we met up with Jon's partner at our usual bar before going to a twenty-four hour diner and walking the walk back home in the rain. 

Yesterday was one of those days where you wake up and know you simply do not wish to spend any significant amount of time doing anything with anybody, so I cancelled my date. I worked a bit more on the top I sewed before the concert while on a video call with one of my best friends in the whole world, who currently lives in Dubai and, consequently, is difficult to pin down for a call. After we hung up, the clouds cleared a bit and the light shining in through my windows inspired me to go for a walk. I thought I'd just walk until it started raining again (supposedly thirty minutes later) but it never really did, so I just kept walking until I'd walked all eight miles around the lake I live near. I got some soup to warm me up along the way. A sunny day in a rainy city is a thing to be cherished. 

Today, I didn't do much. I woke up early and started working at seven because I hadn't gotten as much done on Friday as I'd hoped I would. After work, I took a shower and went for another walk. I sat on a bench and read a book. I cancelled my dinner plans. I just got done eating some split pea soup at home by myself and I'm listening to a playlist I made that reminds me of being fourteen but in a good way. I might watch a movie tonight or I might not. 

Until next time! 

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